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    口腔颌面部囊性病变 92 例临床分析

    李志华 ,周丛豪

    铁道部北京总医院口腔科 (北京 100038)

    〔摘要〕 目的 通过对口腔颌面部囊性病变的临床和病理特点分析 ,以提高确诊率 ,减少误诊、漏诊率。并探讨治

    疗中的有关问题。方法 对我院 1990~1998年间收治、经组织学确认的 92 例口腔颌面部囊性病变特点进行回顾性分

    析。结果 92 例颌面部囊性病变中 ,软组织囊肿 48 例(52. 20 %) ,颌骨囊肿 44 例(47. 80 %) 。48 例软组织囊性病变中 ,颌下区 22 例(45. 80 %)腮腺区 18 例(16. 70 %) 。44 例颌骨囊肿中 ,上颌骨 33 例(75. 00 %) ,下颌骨 11 例(25. 00 %) 。44

    例颌骨囊肿中 ,牙源性囊肿 30 例(68. 8 %) 。颌面部囊性病变的发病年龄以 20~60 岁较多 ,占病例总数的 57. 00 %。全

    组病例 ,男 59 例 ,女 33 例 ,男、女之比为 2. 75∶ 1。其治疗应彻底切除囊肿或去除囊壁 ,并处理好相关的牙齿。结论 口

    腔颌面部囊性病变是常见的良性病变 ,彻底摘除囊肿和囊壁 ,正确处理相关牙齿 ,防止复发至关重要。

    〔关键词〕 颌面部囊性病变;病理分类;临床分析

    〔中图分类号〕 R739. 81 〔文献标识码〕 B 〔文章编号〕 1005 - 8664 (2000) 04 - 58 - 02

    Cl inic analysis on 92 cases of cystic changes in maxillofacial region of the oral cavity

    L I zhi2hua ,ZHOU Cong2hao

    Beijing Railway General Haspital .Beijing 100038

    〔Abstract〕 Objective To increase the rate of correct diagnosis and decrease the rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnoses

    through analysing on clinical and pathological characteristics of cystic changes in maxillofacial region of the oral cavity. Methods

    The characteristics of 92 cases of maxillofacial cyst f rom 1990 to 1998 in our hos pital were collected and analysed. Results In

    92 cases of maxillofacial cyst ,there were 48 cases of cyst of soft tissues ,accountinng for 52. 2 %;44 cases of cyst of jaw ,account2

    ing for 47. 8 %. In 48 cases of cyst of soft tissues ,there were 22 submaxillary case ,accounting for 45. 8 %;and 18 parotid cases ,accoounting for 16. 7 %. In 44 cases of cyst of jaw ,there were 33 maxillary cases ,accounting for 75 % ,11 mandibular cases ,ac2

    counting for 25 % among 44 cases of cyst of jaw ,there were 30 cases odontogenic cysts ,accounting for 68. 18 %. The patients in2

    volved in cystic changes in maxillofacial region raged f rom 20~60 years ,accouning for 57 % of the total amount of the cases. A2

    mong 92 cases of maxillofacial cyst , 59 cases were male ,3 cases female. The ratio of the male to female was 2. 75∶ 1. Clinical

    manifestation was chiefly marked by an osseous bulge of the jaw and painless lumps of the soft tissues. Nervous symptoms were

    seldom emcounterd. The t reatmment was based on removing the cyst or cyst wall completely ,and t reating the affected teeth ac2

    cording to different syndromes. Conclusions Cystic changes in maxillofacial region of the oral cavity is a common benign dis2

    ease. To remove the cyst and cyst wall and t reat the relevant teeth properly is of great importance for the prevention of repeated

    at tacks.

    〔Key words〕 cystic changes in maxillofacial region ;pathological classification ;clinical analysis

    本文收集我院 1990~1998 年间收治的 92 例经组

    织病理学确诊的口腔颌面部囊肿 ,对囊肿的发病部位 ,病理分类 ,临床表现及发病年龄分别统计并结合临床

    特点讨论了治疗中的有关问题 ......
